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    5 Simple Meals to Make the Week of Thanksgiving

    This month, we welcome back Marta Rivera for more of her meal plans. Marta is a trained chef, mom of twins and Army wife, and a Simply Recipes recipe tester and developer!
    Most people are looking for easy meals for the beginning of this week, especially here in the States where many are celebrating Thanksgiving.
    Even if you’re not celebrating along with us, the simplicity of the throw-together meals in this week’s meal plan will not only make you breathe a sigh of relief, but they’ll also give you even more reasons to give thanks.
    Sandwiches are a hit with my crew any time of the year, but they work best for me this week because everyone can chip in to make them while I’m working on the holiday prep.
    Foil meals are a no-fuss option that avoid crowding in the kitchen come clean-up time and a hearty soup rounds to get the most of this year’s bird brings an easy end to this week’s meal plan. LEGGI TUTTO

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    Mix Up Your Weekly Rotation with These 5 Dinner Ideas

    This meal plan is written in partnership with Perdue. 
    This month, we welcome back Marta Rivera for more of her meal plans. Marta is a trained chef, mom of twins and Army wife, and a Simply Recipes recipe tester and developer!
    Make it from scratch and you’ll be glad you did—even when life is busy.
    When I’m staring down a busy week, I pick simple recipes that come together quickly or recipes where I can break up the work. That’s exactly what the five dinner recipes in this week’s meal plan accomplish.
    Monday and Tuesday’s recipes can be prepped on the weekend. Take an hour on Sunday to roast the spaghetti squash and scrape the “noodles” for Monday’s dinner. While the squash is roasting, make the rub for the Slow Cooker Cider Pulled Pork, coat a pork shoulder and cook it in the slow cooker. Then, come Tuesday, all you need to do is shred it and make the sauce. You can even serve Monday night’s leftover spaghetti squash casserole as a side for Tuesday’s pulled pork sandwiches.
    If meal prep isn’t your thing, that’s OK. The recipes at the end of the week are quick, easy, and come together in less than 30 minutes. Do what works best for you. LEGGI TUTTO

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    5 Weeknight Dinners that Make Delicious Leftovers

    This meal plan is written in partnership with Perdue. 
    This month, we welcome back Marta Rivera for more of her meal plans. Marta is a trained chef, mom of twins and Army wife, and a Simply Recipes recipe tester and developer!
    The closer to winter we get, the more I’m looking for recipes that will provide warmth (inside and out) and can carry over to the next day’s lunch. I mean, have you ever been upset about going to the fridge and discovering you have leftovers for lunch? Yeah, me either.
    Most of the meals in this week’s plan become great money-savers because they provide leftovers for tomorrow’s midday meal. Well, as long as you have a family that can restrain themselves (unlike mine, we like to eat, so sometimes I have to double the recipe)!
    If you’re not keen on lunchtime leftovers, each recipe in this week’s meal plan freezes spectacularly well to use for future meals. Go ahead, thank your future self for being one step ahead of the game! LEGGI TUTTO

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    5 Hearty Dinners to Help You Feel Satisfied

    When the weather cools, it’s time for hearty, filling comfort food! This meal plan is loaded with warming chicken and vegetable stew, creamy broccoli cheddar mac and cheese, Instant Pot Balsamic Pot Roast, and Steamed Mussels in a rich tomato sauce. It’s like a warm hug from your kitchen. Continue reading “5 Hearty Dinners to Help You Feel Satisfied” » LEGGI TUTTO

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    5 Comfort Food Recipes Reinvented

    This month welcome Sara Bir. Sara Bir is the author of two cookbooks, Tasting Ohio and the IACP award-winning The Fruit Forager’s Companion. She also moderates and replies to your comments here on Simply Recipes. Follow her @sausagetarian.
    When the going gets tough, the tough want comfort. It’s okay.
    What makes a comfort food, anyway? For some, it’s happy childhood associations, while for others it’s simply food that’s not too taxing to make. Things you don’t have to think hard about. And yes, for some it’s food with loads of fat, salt, and carbs.
    I wanted to replenish my comfort meter without diving into garbage food territory. So, to shake things up, we put together a week of dinners that look at comfort food classics through a new lens.
    A few are the likes of what you’d see at an upscale 21st-century diner, while others harken back to pages of no-frills cookbooks from decades ago. Either way, they’re all about fun.
    One last thing: Looking for dinner ideas? You’re in the right spot! We just launched our new paid meal plan service. We have delicious meal plans to suit every taste and lifestyle—Healthy Eating, Family Favorites, and Vegetarian just to name a few. These one-week plans are $1.95 and, with them, you get a dessert and weekend prep recipe and a shopping list. They’re beautifully designed and perfect to print and save or simply load and cook right from your computer! LEGGI TUTTO

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    5 Soul Satisfying Comfort Food Dinners for Hunkering Down

    This month welcome Sara Bir. Sara Bir is the author of two cookbooks, Tasting Ohio and the IACP award-winning The Fruit Forager’s Companion. She also moderates and replies to your comments here on Simply Recipes. Follow her @sausagetarian.
    Once the weather got nice, I initiated my rituals of being outside as much as possible, from setting up a desk on the front porch to pretending mowing our tiny lawn is a workout.
    As the nights get cold and Daylight Savings Time prepares to rear its hateful head, the inevitable shift indoors meets with less resistance. I mean, it’s going to happen anyway, so why not lean in?
    When it starts to get frosty, I want dinners that are simmered and soul-satisfying. Besides, I need extra energy to fuel all the strategic layering it takes to comfortably walk the dog.
    These dinners make me feel warm from the inside giving me, and hopefully you too, the strength to embrace the seasonal shifts of the weeks to come.
    One last thing: Looking for dinner ideas? You’re in the right spot! We just launched our new paid meal plan service. We have delicious meal plans to suit every taste and lifestyle — Healthy Eating, Family Favorites, and Vegetarian just to name a few. These one-week plans are $1.95 and, with them, you get a dessert and weekend prep recipe and a shopping list. They’re beautifully designed and perfect to print and save or simply load and cook right from your computer! LEGGI TUTTO

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    5 Worry-Free Weeknight Meals

    This month welcome Sara Bir. Sara is the author of two cookbooks, Tasting Ohio and the IACP award-winning The Fruit Forager’s Companion. She also moderates and replies to your comments here on Simply Recipes. Follow her @sausagetarian.
    Even though I often enjoy making dinner, sometimes I don’t look forward to it. It’s a roadblock between me and the opportunity to knock out a pressing task, or simply the chance to sit down and do nothing. Do you ever feel the same way? I was there last week and I nearly broke down and ordered takeout.
    Ordering takeout is certainly no moral failing, but the takeout where my family lives is not good. After browsing a few uninspired online menus, we pushed through and cooked a simple pasta dinner that easily outdid anything we could have ordered. Plus, it was ready in about the same amount of time it would have taken to go pick it up and drive home.
    These minimalist recipes are made for just those occasions. If you’ve hit a wall, press on: They’ll reward you with wholesome, hassle-free dinners. Once you’re sitting with your family, you realize the only task at hand is to eat, talk, and be nourished.
    One last thing: Looking for dinner ideas? You’re in the right spot! We just launched our new paid meal plan service. We have delicious meal plans to suit every taste and lifestyle — Healthy Eating, Family Favorites, and Vegetarian just to name a few. These one-week plans are $1.95 and, with them, you get a dessert and weekend prep recipe and a shopping list. They’re beautifully designed and perfect to print and save or simply load and cook right from your computer! LEGGI TUTTO

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    5 Breakfast for Dinner Recipes to Make Weeknight Meals Fun and Easy

    This month welcome Sara Bir. Sara is the author of two cookbooks, Tasting Ohio and the IACP award-winning The Fruit Forager’s Companion. She also moderates and replies to your comments here on Simply Recipes. Follow her @sausagetarian.
    Do you want to know a secret? I love breakfast. Another secret? I eat yogurt with fruit and flax seeds nearly every morning.
    That leaves an awful lot of neglected breakfast options, so I just make them for dinner instead. I mean, who says eggs are only for mornings? Breakfast favorites at the dinner table make you feel like you’re getting away with something. Delivering quick, appealing, healthy meals, perhaps?
    I suppose there’s not a point in pondering when there’s so much to gain. Inverting the order we follow all the time is invigorating. And hello, everyone loves breakfast for dinner. It’s fun, carefree, and the best possible way to scramble things up.
    One last thing: Looking for dinner ideas? You’re in the right spot! We just launched our new paid meal plan service. We have delicious meal plans to suit every taste and lifestyle—Healthy Eating, Family Favorites, and Vegetarian, just to name a few. These one-week plans are $1.95 and, with them, you get a dessert and weekend prep recipe and a shopping list. They’re beautifully designed and perfect to print and save or simply load and cook right from your computer! LEGGI TUTTO