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    5 Ways to Add Some Spooky to Your Halloween-at-Home

    From marshmallow web cupcakes to black bat floating candles, here are a few super easy, magical ideas for a Halloween at home this year, made totally easy thanks to Walmart+!

    This post is written in partnership with Walmart. 
    I’ve been looking forward to Halloween for the past six months.
    Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday season, and to make it absolutely magical for my family, I’m going to decorate my home from top to bottom!
    If transforming your house into Hogwarts is not normally your thing, have no fear. Thanks to Walmart+, a different kind of membership service that gives you access to benefits that save you time and money, it’s never been easier to create a spooky, festive evening. And with delivery as soon as same day*, it’s a savior if you tend to leave things to the last minute.

    Decorating doesn’t have to be complicated. Pick the one place in your home that you tend to congregate the most and start there.
    When I decorate for the holidays, I always start out with a table runner. This buffalo check one is my go-to.
    I’m also all about black candles and black feather boas for Halloween this year! I made a little graveyard with the candles and feathers and placed it on my favorite serving tray. Next, I cut out bats from black cardstock and hung some floating candles. My kids absolutely loved the candles, and they really changed the look of our dining space.

    On Halloween night, make your dinner as scare-rrific as possible. My kids always request Eyeball Tortellini Soup and Chocolate Covered Strawberry Ghosts, which you can find here.
    Of all the awesome benefits of Walmart+, I think my favorite is that you can not only get the groceries you need delivered as soon as same day*, but can tack on your decorations, household items, and Halloween candy, too. All with the same everyday low prices you know and love!
    Other ghoulish foods to make with your family are:

    We won’t be going door-to-door this year, so I’m bringing trick-or-treating inside.
    We’ll be having a “candy hunt,” which is similar to an Easter egg hunt—but with candy, and in our costumes, of course! To have a candy hunt, hide candy throughout the house (or stick to one room, if you’d like) and let your little goblins loose.
    After all the candy has been found, place some fun little items in paper bags that say “Trick-or-Treat” on them, and then make your kids do some tricks for these extra special treats. Have each child choose one bag, which is filled with things like nail polish, fun earrings, and glow-in-the-dark glasses (like stocking stuffers, but for Halloween!), then place a list of some “tricks” your kids have to do in order to keep the treat. Some trick examples are:
    Cackle like a witch
    Walk like a zombie across the room
    Make your craziest jack-o-lantern face
    Scream like you saw a ghost
    Name five words that rhyme with treat

    Instead of asking for treats this year, how about baking some treats for your neighbors? It’s like reverse trick-or-treating!
    We have some older neighbors who really love seeing the kids all dressed up, so we plan to bake some chocolate cupcakes for them and do a reverse trick-or-treat. As a test run, I made a batch of these chocolate cupcakes, but decided to go wild and crazy and decorate them with some marshmallow webbing.
    To decorate the cupcakes, simply frost them however you want to, then melt about 1/4 cup of mini marshmallows for 15-20 seconds at a time. Stir with a fork and dip your fingers into the marshmallows. Stretch the melted marshmallows out and wrap around the frosting of the cupcake. The messier, the better.
    And if you’re starting to wonder how we find the time, sometimes I wonder the same thing! Walmart+ certainly helps: we save 2.5 hours a week in using their free unlimited delivery (based on 3 trips per week; excludes time spent shopping. $35 minimum order; restrictions apply).

    We definitely love to boogie-woogie, so having a dance party is a MUST. I keep this disco light in our kitchen all year round, but this year I decided to add a fog machine. I couldn’t help myself! Turn up the tunes and dance the night away!
    After you’ve danced, you might as well enjoy a movie. There are so many fantastic ones!

    Why leave all the fun for Halloween night? Make the whole month of October magical! Sit down and create a bucket list with your family, then put it somewhere you’ll see it often. We put ours on the chalkboard that hangs in our dining room. Some fun ideas might be to:
    Carve pumpkins
    Make caramel apples
    Take a midnight walk
    Eat by candlelight
    Rake leaves for our neighbors
    Drink hot apple cider
    Bob for apples
    Tell ghost stories
    And there you have it! There’s so much you can do within the walls of your own home to really make this Halloween one of the best (and most memorable) yet!
    Walmart+ Helps You Pull It All Off!
    There are costumes to pull together and spooky treats to make, and this year our little secret that’s going to make getting everything ready that much easier: Walmart+.
    And the convenience and savings doesn’t just stop at Halloween: Members have access to membership prices on fuel (save 5 cents per gallon at most Walmart and Murphy’s stores) and mobile Scan & Go, allowing you to check out with your phone to make in-store shopping fast, easy, and contact-free! For just $12.95/month or $98/year, sign us up!
    Sign up for Walmart+ Today! 
    *$35 minimum; restrictions apply.  LEGGI TUTTO

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    Six Spooky Treats for a Sweet Halloween!

    No tricks here – only treats! Browse a bevy of spooky sweets that are perfect for your next Halloween party or fall gathering! 

    October 31st is just around the corner and I’ve been spending some time getting well-equipped for the occasion. I’ve been on the all-important Halloween candy-buying spree (and eating too much of it), I’ve haunted the house with bats and spider décor – and most importantly – I’ve developed some fun new recipes that are so Halloween party appropriate! 

    My friends at asked me to whip up some ghoulishly good party treats for their website, which are all featured and linked in this blog post!

    These dipped apple slices were perhaps my favorite of all the treats featured here. They’re so colorful and cheerful – and I couldn’t stop eating them! The candy coating cracks between your teeth when you bite into the slice, and the fresh apple is crunchy and delicious against tart candy. This recipe is just the thing to make with leftover Halloween candy.
    Find the recipe for Candy-Covered Apple Pops HERE on

    Next up – these silly fellas. I’d seen a few versions of these online made with mini pretzels, and wanted to supersize a few using puffy sourdough pretzels. I love how they turned out! This is such a fun salty-sweet treat that’s not too difficult to make.

    These bubbling cauldron brownie bites are sweet little treats with big chocolate flavor! I was inspired by a few versions I’d seen on Pinterest, but wanted to up the ante with a witchy spin. A witch hat on the side of the cauldrons make these extra-cute, and they assemble quickly with a chocolate kiss, sour fruit lace, an Oreo thin, and a little buttercream to hold them together.

    Invite a fresh bite to the party with a spooky Halloween fruit tray! Banana mummy pops are hilarious and tasty, while peeled clementine oranges make cute pumpkin lookalikes. Monster strawberries are scary-good, especially when dipped in 2-ingredient toasted marshmallow dip!

    I love making baked donuts for any occasion, but I especially love giving them a spooky makeover with marshmallow webbing! The technique is simple and fun, and a fat chocolate spider completes the effect (along with some unlucky candy bugs that are caught in the trap!). 

    This post’s grand finale is a cute pumpkin pail cake that is brimming with trick-or-treat candy! The cake is made using two bundt cakes sandwiched together, and then frosted with orange buttercream. There’s a few steps involved, but they’re all pretty straight-forward. It’s such a fun edible centerpiece!
    Find the recipe for Jack-o’-Lantern Candy Bucket cake HERE on!
    I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing these treats! I sure enjoyed putting them all together. If you’re looking for more Halloween treat ideas, then check out the gallery curated by my pal and editorial whiz, Chelsea Faulkner, at the following link. 
    62 Frightfully Delicious Halloween Dessert Ideas on!  

    link Six Spooky Treats for a Sweet Halloween! By Heather Baird Published: Wednesday, October 21, 2020Wednesday, October 21, 2020Six Spooky Treats for a Sweet Halloween LEGGI TUTTO

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    Easy Chocolate Cream Pie

    Chocolate, pudding, and pie—the best of all possible worlds! Make the pie filling in the microwave and pour into a pre-baked crust. This make-ahead chocolate pie sets up in a few hours in the fridge, just in time for dessert.

    Photography Credit: Sally Vargas

    What is better than chocolate pudding? Chocolate pudding pie, of course!
    Don’t get me wrong, I love cake, but at the end of the day, the pies have it. Give me some fruit in a crust and you will be my BFF. But sometimes you just need chocolate.
    Video! How to Make Chocolate Pie

    This chocolate cream pie comes together quickly. The filling for this chocolate cream pie is dead easy to make—it’s actually a modified version of our Microwave Chocolate Pudding! It is easy to make the whole pie in the one day without feeling stressed.
    What Kind of Crust for Chocolate Pudding Pie
    Pick a crust—any crust!
    You could make this perfect pie crust or this graham cracker crust. If you want a chocolate crust, simply substitute chocolate wafers for the graham crackers.
    Or if you really need a pie in a hurry, here are a few store-bought crusts that Elise recommends.

    Easy Microwave Chocolate Pie Filling
    Once you have the crust, it’s onto the filling. Do you have 10 minutes? Because that’s all the time you will need to make it in the microwave.
    The only caveat here is to be sure the filling bubbles in the center at the end of cooking to be certain that the cornstarch cooks. Now pour that chocolate goodness into the cooled crust of your choice and wait.
    And wait.
    It feels like forever, but you can get on with your day knowing that by dessert time, you will have a deep, dark chocolate pie in the fridge. No one can argue with that.
    How to Store Chocolate Pudding Pie
    Chocolate cream pie will keep for 3 to 4 days in the fridge, loosely covered. This pie will not freeze well, as the filling tends to weep or separate.
    Other Cream Pies to Try!

    Updated October 20, 2020 : We spiffed up this post to make it sparkle! No changes to the original recipe.

    Easy Chocolate Cream Pie Recipe

    A pie crust should be prepared and baked prior to making this recipe.

    For the pie:
    1/2 cup sugar
    1/3 cup cornstarch
    2 tablespoons Dutch-processed cocoa powder
    1/8 teaspoon salt
    3 cups whole milk
    3 large egg yolks
    4 ounces (about 3/4 cup) 60 to 70% chocolate baking chips, wafers, or chopped chocolate
    2 tablespoons unsalted butter
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 (9-inch) pie crust, prepared and baked, such as Perfect Pie Crust
    For the whipped cream:
    1 cup heavy whipping cream
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    Chopped chocolate (for garnish)


    1 Make the pudding base: In a medium, microwave-safe bowl, whisk together the sugar, cornstarch, cocoa powder and salt until blended. Stir in 1/2 cup of the milk and whisk until smooth. Whisk in the egg yolks. Gradually stir in the remaining milk.
    2 Microwave the pudding: Partially cover the bowl with plastic wrap, a paper towel, or a plate set slightly askew (so steam can escape). Microwave for 3 minutes. Remove from the microwave, take off the plastic, and whisk the pudding to distribute the heat.
    Partially cover again and microwave 2 more minutes. Remove and whisk again. The pudding have started thickening.
    Continue to microwave in 45-second increments, stirring the pudding between each increment. The pudding is ready when you see the mixture bubbling around the edges and it has thickened enough for the whisk to leave a light trail, or ribbon, through the pudding (it’s ok if it seems a little loose at this point; the pudding will thicken further as it cools). Total cooking time will be 6 to 8 minutes.
    3 Add the chocolate, butter and vanilla: Add the chocolate, butter and vanilla to the bowl and stir with a whisk until the chocolate and butter melt and the mixture is smooth.

    4 Fill the pie: Pour the filling into the pie crust. Let cool for 1 hour at room temperature. Transfer to the refrigerator and chill, uncovered, for at least 4 hours or until set. When fully set, the pudding will no longer jiggle when you nudge the pie and a paring knife inserted into the pie should emerge with just a little chocolate on it (not totally gooey).

    5 When ready to serve, make the whipped cream: In the bowl of an electric mixer, stir the cream, sugar, and vanilla together. Beat on medium-high speed until the cream forms soft peaks. Spread the cream over the pie and sprinkle the top with chopped chocolate.
    6 Serve: This pie is best served on the same day that it’s made, or the crust has a tendency to become soggy.

    Hello! All photos and content are copyright protected. Please do not use our photos without prior written permission. Thank you!

    This post may contain links to Amazon or other partners; your purchases via these links can benefit Simply Recipes. Read more about our affiliate linking policy. LEGGI TUTTO

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    9 Recipes to Use Up Leftover Pumpkin Purée

    My youngest son loves pumpkin muffins so I have a can or two of pumpkin purée in the pantry at all times. Yet, even when I double the recipe, I often have some purée leftover. It ends up stashed, and, sadly, forgotten in the back of the fridge.
    I know I can’t be the only one with this problem, but I have a solution and few recipes to help you use up what remains of a partially used can of pumpkin.
    Besides using leftover pumpkin for Pumpkin Cookies, it’s also delicious stirred into oatmeal, whisked along with milk and spices for a Pumpkin Spice Latte, or added to smoothies.
    If you must freeze it, pumpkin purée lasts 5-7 days in the refrigerator and three months in the freezer. Freeze leftovers in containers labeled with the date. For smaller amounts, freeze the puree in ice cube trays and then transfer to a ziplock once frozen.
    I’m keeping a list of recipes that I can turn to when I have extra pumpkin to use. I picked recipes that the whole family enjoys, and store well, so that I can have pumpkin-flavored treats whenever the mood strikes.

    Products We Love

    OXO Good Grips Non-Stick Pro Muffin Pan

    $24.95 on Amazon

    USA Pan Cupcake and Muffin Pan, 12-Well

    $24.99 (17% savings) on Amazon

    This post may contain links to Amazon or other partners; your purchases via these links can benefit Simply Recipes. Read more about our affiliate linking policy. LEGGI TUTTO

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    Vegetarian Eggs Benedict with Spinach and Avocado

    Cooking for Two

    A vegetarian version of a brunch classic you don’t want to miss, featuring creamy sliced avocado, sautéed spinach and an easy blender Hollandaise sauce. Toast up whole grain English muffins and you’ve got a weekend home run the whole family will love!

    Photography Credit: Dave’s Killer Bread Team

    This post is written in partnership with Dave’s Killer Bread.
    A classic Eggs Benedict is a brunch favorite through and through, but if you’re trying to go a bit lighter this season – or you simply don’t eat meat – never fear! We’ve got a simple, veggie-packed version we’re excited to share with you today.
    The key to making a great veggie Benedict is the base, and here we’re using Dave’s Killer Bread Rockin’ Grains English muffins. They’re sturdy yet tender, and accommodate all of the toppings, eggs, and sauce.

    How Do I Make a Veggie Benedict?
    First up: practice your egg poaching skills! If you haven’t poached eggs before, it’s not hard; we promise. Check out our tutorial, and just know that you may mess up one or two, but they’ll still taste great.
    SIMPLY TEAM TIP! Crack your eggs into a little dish before you spoon them into your almost-boiling water to avoid the possibility of getting shells in your water.
    Beyond the eggs, we love sliced avocados for their creamy texture, and sautéed spinach is a dream piled high on multigrain English muffins. Do make sure you add your avocado before the spinach to ensure your English muffins stay crispy.
    Any Quick Tips for Making Great Hollandaise Sauce?
    Hollandaise sauce is actually pretty easy to make, despite its finicky reputation. If you want to minimize your dish load, we love using an immersion blender.
    One thing to know is that hollandaise sauce is technically an emulsion, so there’s always a fear it could separate or break. Stream your hot butter in slowly, and you’ll be good to go.

    If your sauce does break or separate, simply blend in 1 to 2 tablespoons of boiling hot water until the consistency smooths out.

    What Other Toppings Could I Use?
    Of course while this recipe features avocado and spinach, you can get creative with your bennies! Mushrooms and sautéed leeks are wonderful or you could go a Mediterranean route with olive tapenade, sun-dried tomatoes and arugula.
    Want to celebrate fall? Try laying some cubes of roasted squash on top of your Dave’s Killer Bread English muffins instead. The choices are endless! Experiment, and share with us any versions you’re making and loving at home.

    Vegetarian Eggs Benedict with Spinach and Avocado Recipe

    For the Quick Blender Hollandaise Sauce:
    2 egg yolks
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    Pinch of cayenne pepper
    8 tablespoons melted unsalted butter
    For the Eggs Benedict:
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    5 ounces baby spinach
    1 clove garlic, minced
    Pinch of salt and pepper
    1 avocado, thinly sliced
    4 large eggs
    1 tablespoon white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
    2 Dave’s Killer Bread Rockin’ Grains English muffins
    Chopped scallions, for garnish (optional)


    1 Make the hollandaise sauce: Add egg yolks, lemon juice, salt, and cayenne to a blender or food processor and pulse until combined. The mixture should be frothy and light yellow in color.
    Slowly drizzle in the butter and continue to run the blender until the sauce thickens.
    2 Cook the spinach: In a large skillet over medium heat, add the olive oil and warm until shimmering. Add the spinach and sauté until it wilts and cooks down, about 2-3 minutes. Then add the garlic and season with a pinch of salt and pepper. Keep spinach warm over very low heat until serving.
    3 Poach the eggs: Bring a large pot with a few inches of water to a slight simmer. Add a dash of vinegar (like apple cider vinegar) to the pot.
    Swirl the water with a spoon and gently roll in the cracked eggs.
    Let eggs poach in not-quite-boiling water for 2-3 minutes, or until the whites of the eggs are set and the centers are still soft. Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon and let them drain on a few paper towels.
    4 Assemble the benedicts: Toast the English muffins. Blend the hollandaise sauce one final time to smooth it out.
    Top English muffins with sliced avocado, then spinach, and finally a poached egg. Right before serving, spoon hollandaise sauce over each Benedict and sprinkle with minced scallions.
    Serve immediately.

    Hello! All photos and content are copyright protected. Please do not use our photos without prior written permission. Thank you!

    This post may contain links to Amazon or other partners; your purchases via these links can benefit Simply Recipes. Read more about our affiliate linking policy. LEGGI TUTTO

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    Pecan Pie

    With a homemade crust and a sweet pecan filling, this is THE pecan pie for your Thanksgiving table! Make it a day or two ahead, or freeze it for even longer.

    What’s your favorite Thanksgiving pie? Mine is a toss up among apple, pumpkin, and this homemade pecan pie. In fact, I love them all so much I make one of each for our Thanksgiving Day feast. (It seems like everyone in our family has their favorite, and if I don’t make them all someone will run to the store to fill the gap!)
    VIDEO! How to Make Pecan Pie

    Pecan Pie: A History
    Pecans are native to North America, so it is entirely fitting that a pecan pie would make an annual appearance at Thanksgiving along with our other native foodstuffs like turkey, pumpkin, and cranberries.
    Pecan pie itself, though, is a more recent invention. While the first printed recipes for the pie started appearing in the late 1800s, the pecan pie classic as we know it became popular through the marketing efforts of Karo in the 1930s, to help sell their corn syrup, a necessary ingredient in the pie.
    How Much Sugar is Best for Pecan Pie?
    Most pecan pie recipes I’ve found call for two cups of sugar—one cup of corn syrup plus one cup of either granulated or brown sugar. I find that just a bit too sweet for my taste, so for this pecan pie recipe, I’ve dropped the sugar down by half a cup. Feel free to reduce further or add more to your taste.
    The molasses, butter, and vanilla bring out the wonderful flavor of the pecans. Nuts go rancid with storage, so make sure you are using the freshest of pecans for this pie!
    How to Tell When Pecan Pie is Done Baking?
    This pie bakes for a little over an hour at 350°F. When done, the crust should be golden brown and the pie should be set around the edges, but still a bit wiggly (like Jell-O) in the middle. It will continue to firm up as it cools.

    Should Pecan Pie Be Served Warm or Room Temperature?
    Once baked, pecan pie should be cooled down completely to room temperature before serving, or the filling will be runny. Once the pie has come to room temperature and the filling is set, if you want you can heat it in a 275°F oven for 10 minutes, but for the most part, pecan pie is served at room temp.
    Does Pecan Pie Need to Be Refrigerated?
    Typically pies with egg-based fillings, such as this pecan pie, need to be refrigerated. That said, I often make pecan pie a day ahead, tent it lightly with aluminum foil, and leave it on the counter, and I’ve never had an issue.
    Leftover pie should be refrigerated, where it will easily keep for up to 3 to 4 days. If you’d like to store your pie for a longer period of time, I recommend freezing it.
    How to Freeze Pecan Pie
    Pecan pie freezes well. Bake it and let it cool completely on the counter. Wrap the pie in a double layer of sturdy plastic wrap, pressing out any air, then double wrap in foil, and freeze for up to a month.
    To serve, thaw the frozen pie overnight in the refrigerator, before bringing it to room temperature. If you like, warm it in the oven for 10-15 minutes before serving.
    Looking for more Thanksgiving pies?

    Updated October 18, 2020 : We spiffed up this post with a new video. No changes to the recipe. Enjoy! LEGGI TUTTO

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    Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting

    In bowl of an electric mixture, add warm unsweetened almond milk, yeast, and granulated sugar. Let sit for 5 minutes to activate the yeast. While the yeast is activating, whisk together flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and salt together in a large bowl. LEGGI TUTTO

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    Vegan Pumpkin Bread

    Get all the flavors of fall with this vegan, dairy-free, egg-free pumpkin bread. This recipe makes two loaves so keep one for yourself and give one to a friend. Top it with pepitas to make it extra special, pop it in your oven, and let the scent of cinnamon fill the air.

    Of all pumpkin treats, pumpkin bread is my favorite. Specifically, my heart belongs to this vegan pumpkin loaf. After baking a batch I have to give the loaves away so I don’t go crazy sneaking off with slices throughout the day. It’s one of those recipes you make to confirm to yourself that fall has arrived.
    This recipe started out as Piper Davis’ pumpkin bread from her excellent cookbook, The Grand Central Baking Book. Eventually, I veganized it by replacing the eggs with ground flaxseed, plus a few other tweaks. It’s been my go-to recipe for years. It’s a bit sweeter and cakier than other pumpkin breads, and it reminds me of the slices they sell at Starbucks—except moister. I love it with a cup of coffee.

    I use canned pumpkin purée. Yes, you can use homemade pumpkin purée, but to be frank, canned pumpkin is unfailingly better and it’s way less work. This recipe uses one whole small can of pumpkin so you don’t have to fret over how to use up a lingering few tablespoons.
    Do not use canned pumpkin pie mix, which has spices and sugar already added to it.

    Eggs play an important role in giving quick breads structure. To make this vegan quick bread, you have two simple plant-based options that help bind the batter and lend the same cakiness that eggs would.
    Flaxseed: Ground flaxseed makes a gel when you mix them with water. This gel acts as an egg replacer to add structure to cookies, cakes, and quick breads. They’re a trusty ingredient in vegan baking. You can find flaxseed in the natural food aisle of most grocery stores. They have a short shelf life, so it’s best to keep them in the freezer.
    Aquafaba: You likely have a can of beans in your pantry, which means you have an existing alternative to a flax egg! Aquafaba is a fancy name for the liquid in a can of chickpeas. Yes, the stuff we usually tell you to drain and rinse off—turns out that goopy bean juice is a fantastic egg replacer.
    To use aquafaba as an egg replacer in this recipe, just add 1/2 cup of the liquid from a can of beans and omit both the water and the ground flaxseed. Liquid from chickpeas works best, but I’ve also used the liquid from canned kidney beans and white beans and had success. Aquafaba stores for up to a week in the fridge, but you can also freeze it in ice cube trays for easy portioning. Pop the frozen cubes out of the tray and store in a zip-top bag.
    Out of an ingredient, or want to get creative? You can play with spices and mix-ins for different flavor directions.
    Add up to 1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans.
    Add up to 1 cup vegan chocolate chips. (Many popular semisweet chocolate chips have milk and butterfat.)
    Add up to 1 cup raisins or dried cranberries.
    Add up to 1/2 cup finely chopped crystallized ginger.
    Replace the spices in the recipe with 1 tablespoon Chinese five-spice powder. (I’m currently really taken with this version.)
    Use 1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice instead of the spices in the recipe.

    The amounts of white and brown sugar here are not set in stone. You can tailor it to your liking.
    Use all white sugar. The flavor of the pumpkin and spices will come through more.
    Use all brown sugar. Your pumpkin bread will have more of a gingerbread flavor.
    Replace 1/2 cup of the sugar with maple syrup. Using only maple syrup will overwhelm the other flavors.
    Reduce the sugar by 1/2 cup. The bread won’t be as moist and tender, but if you prefer less sweet desserts, it’s worth a go.
    Feel free to swap the all-purpose flour with any of the following. I’ve made this bread all the following ways, and the texture and flavor remain essentially the same.
    White whole wheat flour for all the all-purpose flour.
    Whole wheat pastry flour for all the all-purpose flour.
    Spelt flour for all the all-purpose flour.
    Half all-purpose flour and half regular whole wheat flour.
    I wouldn’t recommend making this pumpkin bread gluten-free. This particular recipe makes a dense batter, and for it to work as a gluten-free loaf, it would need eggs for added structure. If you use only gluten-free flour in this bread, it will be very dense and gluey.

    Sure! This recipe will yield at least two dozen muffins, or six 5 1/2 x 3-inch mini loaf pans. (I particularly like the way this batter rises in mini loaves, plus they are convenient for giving to friends.) You can also bake this in a standard-size Bundt pan or halve the recipe and make a single loaf.
    I actually prefer this bread after it’s been frozen and thawed. After freezing and thawing, the texture and flavor of this bread improves; it becomes moister and cakier, and it slices more neatly.
    To freeze: Wrap cooled loaves in plastic wrap, then in foil. Freeze them for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the fridge, or on the counter for three to four hours (no need to unwrap).