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    Episode 180 – Horseradish Hijinks (Breaking Bloody – Part 4.2)

    Because if I had to guess, when bartender Pete Petiot included his first few dashes of black pepper and Cayenne pepper in his Bloody Mary, he did so based solely on instinct. He didn’t know what we know about the chemical and biological structures responsible for the flavors that we love, so I think we have a genuine opportunity here to veer off from the trail breadcrumbs our mixological ancestors left for us and strike out for new and exciting places.
    Spice and Hangover Symptoms
    Here’s Dr. Alissa Nolden’s thoughts on what subjects we might study (in a perfect world) to better understand the specific mechanisms that govern the relationship between the Bloody Mary and the hangover symptoms that it’s often deployed to combat.

    I love thinking about hypothetical research questions, and I when I was thinking about this question, I had two things that I was curious about.
    One, I think would be great to see how many people actually find [a Bloody Mary] to be beneficial or helpful. So can can you create a hangover or kind of recreate a hangover for a different for all these participants and give them maybe everything but capsaicin or anything but ethanol and then test out to see if it’s the capsaicin, see if it’s ethanol, or is it just the high concentration of vegetables?
    I also wondered about the heat level. Is something like a higher heat level helping you to perspirate more? Maybe we could give subjects a couple of different hangovers and test different concentrations of capsaicin to see if it’s really just the capsaicin alone that can kind of revive you.

    We also asked Sarah Kolk about what she thinks about the Bloody Mary’s role as a hangover cure. Here’s what she had to say:

    I think an important thing to address about a hangover is part of it’s dehydration, and electrolytes are crucial to hydration. So even though it’s maybe not the best idea to overload yourself with sodium, your body isn’t very good at distinguishing: “I should really have more calcium and magnesium and potassium right now.” Also, tomatoes do have a fair amount of potassium.
    As far as the hair of the dog aspect that people consume Bloody Marys for, I think that’s always been a really effective strategy when you’re trying to dull one sense – the dull pains, maybe a headache or body ache – that you would be experiencing during a hangover. Maybe I’d even liken it to biting a rag while you’re having a bullet removed in a movie – like activating that trigeminal system could maybe distract from some of the discomfort. 

    Also according to Dr. Nolden, it’s possible to experience nausea from ingesting spicy foods, and that certainly isn’t something you necessarily want when you’re hungover.
    If you think back to our work with Benign Masochism, you might recall Paul Rozin’s finding that people tend to enjoy levels of spice that are just below what they can comfortably tolerate. And if you assume that your spice tolerance when you’re hungover is probably a bit lower than it might be otherwise, then my guess is – without having run any experiments – that a moderate level of spice in a Bloody Mary probably yields optimum benefits without pushing you over the edge into nausea. 
    Resolving the Language Problem
    But what is “Moderate”? What’s moderate to me might not be moderate to you, which raises questions about the inherent “unknowability” of flavor experience.
    The worry here, of course, is that no matter how hard we try to study the experience of spice, we’re always going to be talking at cross-purposes. My spicy will never be your spicy, and your spicy – let’s be honest – will probably never approach our friend John Shope’s definition of spicy. And when you look at things that way, it’s very easy to gaze too long and too intently into the postmodern abyss of infinite regress.
    But I think the Bloody Mary is actually perfect foil to this intellectual trap. No two recipes are the same, and yet we rarely feel “anxious” just ordering one from a bar in the same way we might feel anxious about ordering an Old Fashioned or a Martini. Unlike our favorite boozy, stirred drinks, the seemingly infinite variations of the Bloody Mary seem to all aggregate into some sort of universally-shared mean or ideal of “goodness” that exists regardless of capsaicin or horseradish, regardless of A1 or Worcestershire, regardless of all the other choices we could possibly make in the formulation.
    I might be wrong, but I think that “goodness” arises not from a particular ingredient or even from a proportional balance between ingredients, but from an emergent energy or propulsion generated from the combination of these disparate forces when they coalesce in the glass.
    What do I mean by this?
    Spice as the “Motor” of the Bloody Mary
    Well, remember back when we talked about benign masochism and uncovered the almost paradoxical finding that the experience of pain increases our sensitivity to and liking of various tastes and flavors? Whenever I run into a paradox like this, I think of it like a motor, where two opposite polarities of an electromagnet keep turning over upon one another, turning the drive shaft and propelling the vehicle forward. These little motors are some of my favorite things to think about, especially when they happen in the taste and flavor world.
    If you’re hung over, and you sip a spicy Bloody Mary, each sip enacts something that might be compared to one revolution of a drive shaft. Moderate spice creates moderate pain, which both distracts you from the symptoms of your hangover and provides greater appreciation of the other flavors in the drink, which prompts you to take another sip, where the process is repeated until before you know it, you’ve finished your drink.
    As you look at your empty glass and appreciate the kind green of your celery stick garnish, your server or your host stops by and asks if you’d like another, mentioning that your chicken and waffles will be ready in just a few minutes. You say yes, and as the words leave your mouth you realize you’re not the same person that you were when you took the first sip of your Bloody Mary.
    This is the definition of a phase shift. Before the Bloody Mary, you were one person, and now you are a decidedly different one with a decidedly different set of homeostatic feelings. Did the sodium and potassium and vodka and other nutrients and lubricants in the drink do their work? Of course. These can be compared to the transmission and fuel system and frame of a vehicle that allow it to transport you from point A to point B. But I would argue that the driving force in a Bloody Mary – the motor that turns due to the opposing forces of pain and pleasure – can only be attributed to spice.
    In the presence of moderate amounts of pepper, hot sauce, or horseradish, pleasure emerges from pain, motion from stillness. And although there are many ways to describe our experience of spice, and many different preferences for what provides that spice or how intensely we perceive it, one thing is for sure: if you ain’t got no motor, you ain’t got no car. And if you ain’t got no spice, I’d argue you ain’t got no Bloody Mary. LEGGI TUTTO

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    Irish Cream Coffee Milk Punch

    Toast St. Patrick’s Day with this rich and decadent Irish Cream Coffee Milk Punch. It’s an easy fix that tastes like a grown-up version of your favorite sweet iced coffee drink. 

    Next week ushers in a whole new month, and along with it, a couple of occasions worth celebrating. St. Patrick’s Day will be here before you know it, and the spring equinox follows just three days later. I’m excited to plan an Irish meal with all the fixin’s, and the promise of some sunshine? Count me in!

    This milk punch is a delicious way to celebrate St. Paddy’s, but it would also be welcome long after the holiday when warm weather truly sets in. It’s a real treat for any iced coffee lover.

    Use your favorite coffee and brew it strong! I highly recommend filling some ice trays with coffee and freezing them ahead of time, so I’ve added that step to the recipe text. Added to a glass, they keep this coffee punch cold without diluting the drink.

    Whipped cream is a must if you’re having this for dessert. I usually get about halfway through a glass before I begin stirring the whipped cream into the coffee. This makes it so luxurious. It almost becomes a milkshake, or something akin to a big box coffee drink.  

    Chocolate shavings are so easy to make using a chocolate tablet and a vegetable peeler. Just shave the chocolate onto a plate and sprinkle it on top of the whipped cream – it’s the perfect finishing touch.

    A batch of this punch will keep well in a pitcher in the refrigerator for a few days. Keep the top covered with plastic wrap and give it a stir before enjoying. 

    This recipe was adapted from The Southern Living Party Cookbook’s Coffee Milk Punch, which uses bourbon, but I think swapping in the Irish Cream makes it taste even better. For a non-alcoholic version, use Irish Cream flavored coffee creamer in place of the Irish Cream liqueur. 

    [click to print]
    Irish Cream Coffee Milk Punch
    About 8 servings6 cups (48 oz.) strong brewed hot coffee
    1/2 cup (156 grams) chocolate syrup
    2 cups (16 oz./480ml) whole milk or half-and-half
    1 tablespoon vanilla extract
    1 cup (240 ml) Irish Cream liqueur (or more to taste)
    Coffee ice cubes (1 cup/8 oz. cooled coffee frozen in an ice cube tray)
    3/4 cup heavy cream
    2 tablespoons granulated sugar
    2 oz. chocolate shavings (half of a 4 oz. bar/tablet)Pour the strongly brewed coffee into a large pot while it is still hot, and stir in chocolate syrup until blended. Add milk, vanilla extract and Irish Cream, and stir until mixture is well blended. Let mixture cool to room temperature. Transfer to a pitcher, cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least two hours until ready to serve.Whip the heavy cream and granulated sugar in a large bowl until stiff peaks form. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. To serve, pour punch into cocktail glasses 2/3 full and add a few coffee ice cubes. Top each glass with whipped cream and add chocolate shavings.Note: For a non-alcoholic version of this punch, use Irish Cream flavored coffee cream in place of the Irish Cream liqueur.
    link Irish Cream Coffee Milk Punch By Heather Baird Published: Thursday, February 25, 2021Thursday, February 25, 2021Irish Cream Coffee Milk Punch Recipe LEGGI TUTTO

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    Mom’s Tennessee Banana Black Walnut Cake

    This homestyle cake is a family recipe made of two soft banana layers loaded with black walnuts. Old fashioned caramel frosting makes it a true southern favorite. 

    Here it is, my favorite homestyle cake – my mother’s recipe. The last time I had a large family dinner (remember those?) I made a different black walnut cake from a fancy cookbook, and from the author’s confidence and praise of her own cake, I felt so sure it would be just as good as this one. It was not. 

    I often spring new recipes on my family, and some are better than others, but this time I was embarrassed. The cake looked beautiful on the outside but it was a huge disappointment flavor-wise and dry.  Sooo dry.  I already had the best black walnut cake recipe from my mom, and I should have just made it instead.  LEGGI TUTTO

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    Mom's Tennessee Banana Black Walnut Cake

    This homestyle cake is a family recipe made of two soft banana layers loaded with black walnuts. Old fashioned caramel frosting makes it a true southern favorite. 

    Here it is, my favorite homestyle cake – my mother’s recipe. The last time I had a large family dinner (remember those?) I made a different black walnut cake from a fancy cookbook, and from the author’s confidence and praise of her own cake, I felt so sure it would be just as good as this one. It was not. 

    I often spring new recipes on my family, and some are better than others, but this time I was embarrassed. The cake looked beautiful on the outside but it was a huge disappointment flavor-wise and dry.  Sooo dry.  I already had the best black walnut cake recipe from my mom, and I should have just made it instead. 

    Black walnuts are harvested as a fall crop, but as a southerner I can tell you they are never out of season in our kitchens. They have bold, earthy flavor and one whiff of their robust fragrance brings to mind all the special confections my family makes with them. (Aunt Pammy’s peanut butter fudge and Aunt Grace’s Easter fondants, to name two.) 

    Thankfully, black walnuts are available for purchase online year-round, so they can remain on our tables in spring and summer months. I’ve had Easter on the brain lately, and I think this cake would be so delicious and special as the last course, but it is also so appropriate for a Thanksgiving dessert.

    The caramel frosting is easy enough to whip together, but it is prone to set up quickly. I found myself intermittently whipping more heavy cream into it so it could be spreadable on the cake. The good news is, you don’t have to worry about getting the frosting perfectly even because it will be completely covered with more black walnuts.

    There is one addition to this recipe from me, and that is a few swirls of cream cheese frosting on the top edge of the cake. This makes it look pretty, and it’s really delicious, too! 

    I suppose the “Tennessee” part of this recipe could refer to the black walnuts, or maybe the old fashioned caramel frosting – which is truly something that all southern, church-going, potluck-attending grannies have made to cover a special cake. I can only tell you for sure that as a born-and-raised Tennessean, this cake is the real deal.

    The interior of this cake is so soft and tender that I’m pressed to find the right words to describe it. I’d almost call it damp, which may be a questionable description for food, but it is indeed super-moist and so flavorful with the addition of four overripe bananas. 

    (Thanks for the recipe, mom!)

    [click to print]
    Tennessee Banana-Black Walnut Cake
    Yields 10-12 servings
    Recipe by Katie WattsCake layers
    2 cups (248g) all-purpose flour
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    2 teaspoon cinnamon
    3/4 cup (180g) unsalted butter, softened
    1 1/2 cup (300g) granulated sugar
    2 eggs, well beaten
    4 over-ripe bananas, mashed
    1/2 cup (120 ml) buttermilk
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 cup (117g) chopped black walnutsCaramel frosting
    1/2 cup (113g) butter
    1 cup (205g) light brown sugar, packed
    1/3 cup (80 ml) heavy cream, plus more as needed
    1 tablespoon vanilla extract
    4 cups (16 oz. box) powdered sugar
    1 1/2 cups finely chopped black walnuts, for garnishCream cheese frosting
    1/2 cup (113g) unsalted butter, softened
    1 oz. cream cheese, softened
    2- 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
    Milk or cream to thin
    1 tablespoon finely chopped black walnutsFor the cakes: Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray two 8- or 9-inch cake pans with flour-based cooking spray (or grease and flour) and set aside.In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a separate bowl. In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar thoroughly. Blend in bananas, eggs and vanilla. Add the flour mixture alternately with buttermilk until well incorporated, then fold in walnuts. Divide the batter evenly between the prepared pans and bake for 35 minutes for 8-inch pans, or 30 minutes for 9-inch pans, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a cake comes out clean. Cool in pans on a cooling rack for 10 minutes, then turn out of pans to cool completely.Caramel frosting
    Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat on the stovetop. Add brown sugar and heavy cream, stirring until sugar is dissolved, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add vanilla extract. Transfer the mixture to the bowl of an electric mixer while still warm and melted. Beat on medium-low speed while adding powdered sugar a little a time; mix until smooth and thick. Add additional heavy cream a tablespoon at a time until the frosting is of easy spreading consistency. This frosting firms quickly, almost to a fudge-like state, so work quickly to frost the cake.Place a small amount of frosting on the center of a cake plate to keep the cake from shifting. Place one layer on the cake plate, and apply a layer of frosting. Top with the other cake layer, and frost the outside and top of the stacked layers. If the frosting begins to set up, add more heavy cream and re-whip to soften. Immediately press chopped black walnuts onto the top and sides of the cake, before frosting sets up.Cream cheese frosting swirls
    Combine the butter and cream cheese in a large bowl and whip until fluffy with an electric hand mixer. Add confectioners’ sugar a little at a time until a thick, fluffy frosting forms; add milk or cream to thin as needed. Transfer the frosting to a piping bag with a large closed star piping tip. Pipe swirls of cream cheese frosting on the top edge of the cake. Garnish with black walnuts.
    link Mom’s Tennessee Banana Black Walnut Cake By Heather Baird Published: Monday, February 22, 2021Monday, February 22, 2021Tennessee Banana Black Walnut Cake Recipe LEGGI TUTTO

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    Fluffy Sheep Sugar Cookies

    Cute sheep sugar cookies are extra sweet and so easy to decorate. Nonpareils give them a ‘wooly’ appearance and add sugary crunch.

    They say that inspiration has to find you working, and that’s how these cookies came about. I was asked to make an array of decorated dog breed cookies for a food styling gig last November, and during that endeavor I found that a simple sprinkle of nonpareils over royal icing made a fluffy, almost curly-looking dog coat. I bookmarked that idea in my brain for a different kind of cookie, and here they are. Cute, wooly sheep cookies for spring!

    I’ve been longing for spring this week because we’ve had mostly dark, damp, and slushy days. These cookies cheered me right up, and made me look forward to more sunnier times. I noticed that Easter comes early this year, and I think these would look extra cute in an Easter basket.

    If you’re a cookie decorating novice, then these easy cookies are a good place to start. Flood consistency royal icing is fairly easy to make and you’ll need three colors: grey, black, and white. All of the sheep have grey faces and legs. You’ll pipe the faces first, and while the icing is still wet, add a single black sugar pearl to each face to create an eye.

    The faces and legs need to dry before adding their wooly coats. It will take at least and hour for the icing to form a crust, and it’s best to wait a couple of hours until it is completely set.

    When the grey icing is set, add the white royal icing to the centers of half of the cookies. I like to use a scribe to push the icing into place (see the video) but a toothpick also makes a good scribe tool.

    Immediately and liberally pour on the sprinkles. (Whee! This is the fun part!) The wet frosting does a good job of catching them all, and the dry areas (face, legs) repel the sprinkles. Honestly it’s some of the easiest cookie decorating you can do!

    I think the black sheep were my favorite. The other half of the cookies were frosted black and sprinkled with with black nonpareils. When all of the cookies were dry, I packaged one of each color sheep in cellophane bags and tied them with bright grass green ribbon.  So very cute!

    The simplicity of the decoration means that the task goes rather quickly. If you ever needed to crank out a whole bunch of these, then you could do so without much trouble. 

    I’m planning another batch closer to Easter, but they’d be wonderful for baby showers, too. If you’re like me and still keeping celebrations small, they are sturdy enough to mail as edible favors for birth announcements, or just a fun springtime greeting.

    Hurry up spring!

    [click to print]
    Fluffy Sheep Sugar Cookies
    Yields about 3 dozenSugar cookie dough
    1/2 lb. (two US sticks) unsalted butter
    1 cup plus 2 tablespoons (225g) granulated sugar
    1 egg
    1 tsp. vanilla extract
    3 cups (380g) all-purpose flour
    Pinch of saltIn the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, mix the butter and sugar together until just incorporated. Do not over-mix at this stage, or the cookies may spread while baking. Add the egg and vanilla extract. Mix again on low speed, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl intermittently as needed.In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour and salt. Add to the butter and egg mixture. Mix on low speed until a dough is formed and there are no longer any streaks of butter in the mixing bowl. The dough will often clump around the paddle attachment while being mixed. This is normal and a good sign that your dough is the right consistency. If your mixture does not come together and is crumbly, add ice cold water 1 tbsp. at a time until the dough clumps.Roll the dough flat between sheets of parchment paper and chill until ready for use, at least 30 minutes.Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.Use a 4-inch lamb or sheep motif cookie cutter to stamp shapes from the dough and transfer them to the prepared pans. Chill the shapes in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Bake cookies for 12-15 minutes, or until the cookies are lightly brown on the edges. Transfer the cookies to a wire rack to cool completely. Re-roll scraps and repeat process.Royal Icing and décorsNote: Not all meringue powder is the same. Be sure to read the directions on the back of the meringue powder container for suggested amounts.4 cups (16 oz.) confectioners’ sugar, sifted
    3 tablespoons meringue powder
    1/2 cup warm water, plus additional for thinning
    1 teaspoon clear lemon extract
    Black gel food color
    Black sugar pearls
    6 oz. white nonpareils
    6 oz. black nonpareilsIn the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, stir the confectioners’ sugar and meringue powder on low speed until combined. Add the water and beat on medium-high speed until thickened. Mix in the flavoring. Scrape down the bowl and beat again. Divide the frosting into three bowls and cover them with damp paper towels. Tint one bowl with a tiny drop of black gel food color and mix until a medium grey color is achieved. Stir a larger amount of black into another bowl and mix until deep black color is achieved. Leave one bowl untinted. Mix in drops of water to each bowl and stir well, repeating this process until the icing thins to flood consistency. It should be thick and pourable like a milkshake. Run a spatula through the icing to check; the indention should disappear by the count of 10.Transfer the three flood frostings to disposable piping bags and close the ends with rubber bands. Use the grey icing to pipe the faces and legs onto the cookies. While the icing is still wet, place a black sugar pearl on each of the faces near the center. Let dry completely, about 2 hours.When the icing is set, flood half of the cookies with the white royal icing, piping the white icing well within the cookie’s edges and use a toothpick or a scribe to push the icing nearer to the edge (this prevents the flood icing from overflowing the sides). Immediately after piping one cookie, sprinkle generously with nonpareils while the frosting is still wet. Gently shake off the excess sprinkles and move to a cooling rack to dry. Repeat with the remaining cookies, black royal icing, and black nonpareils. Allow the cookies to dry uncovered at least 4 hours, but overnight is better.When the cookies are completely dry and firm, package them in cellophane bags for gifting, or store airtight.

    link Fluffy Sheep Sugar Cookies By Heather Baird Published: Friday, February 19, 2021Friday, February 19, 2021Fluffy Sheep Sugar Cookies Recipe LEGGI TUTTO

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    Episode 179 – Breaking Bloody (Part 4.1) Fire and Spice

    Intense heat from peppers is very painful, and usually we reject painful things. But yet we like negative stimulation in the case of horror films, or rollercoasters…so we embrace these things that are a little aversive in contexts in which we can control them.

    Benign Masochism Research
    Dan was also kind enough to provide me with some research papers on this subject, and although we don’t have time to do a full literature review, I thought I’d pull out some of the main themes for you.
    Glad to be sad and other examples of benign masochism (Published in Judgment and Decision Making, Vol. 8, No. 4, July 2013, pp. 439-447)
    In a 2013 summary paper, Paul Rozin and colleagues were able to pull out some general trends associated with benign masochism across a wide variety of human activities. For example, watching very scary or sad movies, the taste of strong alcohol, bitterness, or capsaicin, disgusting jokes, thrill rides, and even the “hurts so good” physical pain of an intense massage.
    A couple findings that I found really interesting from this research were that A.) people tend to enjoy their physiological reactions to negative experiences, and B.) people most enjoy levels of discomfort that are juuuust on the tolerable side of uncomfortable. This second fact, to me, could have huge implications on how we can think about the role of spice in a Bloody Mary.
    Gustatory pleasure and pain. The offset of acute physical pain enhances responsiveness to taste. (Published in Appetite 72, 2014, 150-155)
    Another paper by Bastian and colleagues summarizes three different studies conducted to explore the relationship between physical pain and flavor perception. They discovered three significant findings:

    FIrst, physical pain is linked to greater enjoyment of a flavor. So in essence, participants were split into “pain” and “no pain” conditions and then asked to eat a chocolate flavored biscuit. Those in the pain condition rated their liking of the biscuit as significantly higher.

    Next, the researchers found that physical pain increases perceived intensity of tastes. So, same kind of “pain” and “no pain” conditions, and the participants in the pain group rated sweet, sour, salty, and bitter tastes as more intense than the people in the no pain condition.

    Finally, they demonstrated that pain made people more sensitive to the presence of a flavor by demonstrating that participants in a pain condition were much more likely to correctly identify a flavor extract at lower concentrations than those in a non-pain condition.

    In short, pain makes us enjoy flavors more, experience them more intensely, and identify them with great sensitivity. So I think the logical takeaway here is that if you want people to enjoy eating at your restaurant or drinking at your cocktail bar just that little bit more, you need to hire a spanking sommelier who can go around and inflict just the right amount of pain on your guests. It would be kind of a 21st century update to the professional foot ticklers employed by the court of Catherine the Great.
    I’m not kidding about that one. Look it up.
    Spicing Up the Bloody Mary Cocktail
    If there’s anything that this research demonstrates, it’s that we don’t want THAT much spice in our Bloody Marys. It sends us back to a word that some more experienced home bartenders take for granted: balance. But this isn’t just about modulating sweet and sour, like in a daiquiri. We’ve got pretty much every possible flavor bouncing around in the Bloody Mary, and somehow, we’re supposed to bring them all into harmony. This task is further complicated by the fact that in most recipes, you’re going to have multiple sources of spice, acid, and umami.
    So in the perfect Bloody Mary, we want spice, but not too much. And the kicker is that the definition of what constitutes “too much” is going to vary from person to person, creating not only a flavor problem, but also a language problem. Thinking back to our benign masochism research, is there a world in which everyone could have the perfect level of spice for their palate? Is there a way to bring each individual riiiight to the edge of discomfort, but not cross the line?
    Perhaps not.
    But I do think there are ways to present Bloody Marys on a cocktail menu in a way that comes close. The key, it would seem, is to give people options.’
    Finding the Right “Spice Neighborhood” for You
    Think about other situations where there’s an objective flavor fact that you need to communicate to people. My go-to example here is the doneness of a burger or a piece of meat, which can be communicated using a number (i.e. internal temperature) or a trade term (like “medium rare”). When I, as a patron, say “medium rare,” you, as a chef, know exactly how to prepare that food to give me exactly what I want.
    A simpler example could simply be the little chili pepper scores next to different dishes on a Thai menu, for example. No chilis means mild, and the more chilis you add on, the spicier it gets. This may be a slightly blunter instrument than temperature-correlated doneness, but it still helps get people into the right neighborhood where they want to be.
    Manipulating Options and Garnishes
    So if you were to ask me how I’d try to give people their perfect Bloody Mary if I ran a cocktail bar, here’s what I’d do. LEGGI TUTTO

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    Artisan Red Wine Soft Caramels

    Rich merlot wine adds fruity notes and deep red color to soft butter caramels. One batch makes plenty to share, or gift them for a special occasion. 

    I have been working on this red wine candy caramel recipe since last December, and at long last – it’s finally ready to share! I had hoped to have the formula finalized and the recipe posted here before Valentine’s Day, but it needed a few more small tweaks. It would have been perfect for a sweetheart gift, but it’s a good candy to enjoy year-round.

    The first thing you’ll notice when eating this candy is its brown sugar caramel notes, then immediately following is the flavor of tangy red fruits and grape notes. It’s not so much boozy as it is complex. All of the characteristics listed on the wine bottle, such as flavors of blackberry, raspberry, and plum are all brought forward in this candy.

    Through testing I learned that only the boldest red wines should be used. I had underwhelming results from a bottle of pinot noir. Subtle flavor is not a virtue here. Merlot and cabernet sauvignon – two wines that are known for their deep berry flavors – are ideal for this recipe.

    The first step is making a wine reduction on the stove top with just a little balsamic vinegar added to it. That may sound like a strange ingredient, but good balsamic vinegar is made from one ingredient: grape must. Grape must is a result of the skins, seeds, and stems of the grape being boiled down and concentrated, then it is aged in wood barrels for the vinegar. In this recipe it gives this candy’s flavor a boost without any obvious or overt vinegar flavor.

    The deep red color of the candy is so beautiful and 100% natural. I couldn’t resist gilding the pieces with a little edible gold leaf and fleur de sel.

    These caramels are soft, which means they have a luxurious bite but they’ll need to be individually wrapped very soon after cutting them. If left unwrapped, their shape will relax and slump. Refrigeration will firm the candy and help them keep their shape, so I recommend slicing the caramel while it is chilled.

    A box of these would be a great gift for a red wine connoisseur, but you don’t have to be a wine-lover to eat them. They are more fruity and grape-y than anything. I think they’d make nice favors for a small wedding reception or other festive occasion, and one batch certainly makes enough to share! 

    [click to print]
    Red Wine Soft Caramels
    Yields 50 or more caramelsCaramels
    1 bottle (750 ml) bold red wine, such as merlot, divided
    3 tablespoons Modena balsamic vinegar, divided
    2 cups (400g) granulated sugar
    1 cup (213g) light brown sugar, firmly packed
    1 cup (216g) unsalted butter
    1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream
    1 cup (240 ml) light corn syrup
    1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea saltOptional garnishesFleur de selEdible gold leafSupplies
    1 roll of wax paper for wrapping
    Scissors or pinking shearsButter and line a 13 x 9-inch pan with parchment paper that overhangs the edges (or use a silicone 13×9 pan for easiest candy removal).Remove 1/3 cup of red wine from the bottle to a large cook pot (5 quart or larger). Set aside.Pour the remaining wine (about 2 3/4 cups) into a separate medium saucepan and set over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil and then set the heat back to a constant simmer. Cook until the wine is reduced by half, then add 2 tablespoons of the balsamic vinegar. Continue to cook the mixture down until reduced to 3 tablespoons of concentrated red wine flavoring. This may take approximately 40 minutes.Note: You can start cooking the candy caramel mixture after the wine mixture is reduced by half, and both reduction and caramel should be done at about the same time.To the pot with the 1/3 cup of wine, add the sugars, butter, heavy cream, and corn syrup. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. Butter will melt and mixture will begin to boil. Continue to cook until candy thermometer reaches 245-248 degrees, this will take approximately 20-25 minutes.Meanwhile, cut wax paper into approx. 5 x 5-inch squares. I like to use pinking shears for a pretty, zigzag edge.When soft ball temperature has been reached, remove from the heat and stir in the fine grain salt, red wine reduction, and the remaining tablespoon of balsamic vinegar. The mixture should turn deep red with this addition. Pour caramel into the prepared pan. Let cool for an hour and then place in the refrigerator to firm.Remove caramel block from the pan using the overhanging parchment and place on a cutting board. Cut 1/3 of the block of caramel at a time using a large warmed chef’s knife (return the remaining caramel block to the refrigerator to keep chilled). Add garnishes to the pieces if using and wrap in wax paper immediately.Candies can be stored at room temperature for up to a week. They’ll keep longer if stored in the refrigerator air-tight.NOTES:
    Use only the boldest flavored red wines. An inexpensive merlot will work just fine. I tested this recipe with Gnarly Head ($7.99).Choose a good quality balsamic vinegar that is includes “Product of Modena” in its description and aged at a minimum of 3-4 years. Colavita and Alessi brands are acceptable choices and inexpensive. Vinegars aged longer will be more expensive and less acidic. Use what your budget allows.Remember, these caramels are soft, so they must be wrapped or they will lose their shape!

    link Artisan Red Wine Soft Caramels By Heather Baird Published: Thursday, February 18, 2021Thursday, February 18, 2021Red Wine Soft Caramels Recipe LEGGI TUTTO

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    Peanut Butter Cup Hot Cocoa Bombs

    Stir up the delicious flavors of a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup in a mug of hot cocoa. Hot cocoa bombs are spheres of chocolate that hold instant hot cocoa inside. Simply drop one into a large mug and add hot water or milk to enjoy.

    At long last, I’ve joined the hot cocoa bomb craze! I’ve been wanting to make my own version ever since they became popular last year, but I couldn’t settle on a theme or a flavor. I wanted something that was different and fun, and this year inspiration finally struck. 

    It’s hard to beat the flavors of chocolate and peanut butter together, so I altered my favorite scratch-made instant hot cocoa recipe with the addition of Reese’s peanut butter chips.

    I had considered several options for imparting peanut butter flavor, such as peanut butter powder, but the best option was right in my pantry – peanut butter chips. They melt easily and impart the right amount of flavor without thickening the hot cocoa. 

    You’ll need a food processor for this recipe, because the peanut butter chips should be ground fine. The finer the pieces, the more easily they melt.

    A mold is required to make the chocolate spheres which hold all the good stuff inside. I found this 2-pack for less than $10, which worked perfectly and makes 12 spheres in one go. Use a pastry brush to coat the molds with melted semisweet chips, then freeze. From their frozen state, they unmold smoothly from the silicone mold.

    The edges of the chocolate half spheres can be neatened by pressing the edges to a nonstick pan set over medium-low heat. Hold it in place for less than 1 second, because melting happens fast! Fill half of the spheres with the cocoa mix, more peanut butter chips, and – yes – a mini Reese’s peanut butter cup. It makes the cocoa so decadent!

    You’ll close the bomb in the same way the edges were smoothed – by placing a half sphere on a hot nonstick pan just long enough to melt the edges. Immediately top a filled half-sphere with it to close and complete the bomb. I added a peanut butter drizzle on their exteriors which could be optional but I love how it looks (and tastes!).

    After making a batch of these, I definitely understand the fascination and trend. They are fairly easy to make, so fun to assemble, interactive, and you can really get creative with flavors. They also look beautiful tied up in a cellophane bag with pretty ribbon, which makes a sweet gift for any occasion.

    Mixing instructions are included at the end of the recipe. Be sure to stir well. Some of the peanut butter from the mini Reese’s cup will lie at the bottom of the mug for a final, sweet hit of peanut butter cup flavor – enjoy!

    [click to print]
    Peanut Butter Cup Hot Cocoa Bombs
    Instructions for molding 6 bombsYou’ll have lots of leftover instant hot cocoa mix after molding six bombs. It can be sealed air-tight and stored for up to 6 months. Or, you can repeat the hot cocoa bomb shell recipe until all of the instant hot cocoa is used.Instant Peanut Butter Cup Hot Cocoa Mix
    Yields about 5 1/2 cups of dry mix
    10 oz. (1 bag) Reese’s Peanut Butter Chips
    1 cup (114g) confectioners’ sugar
    1 cup (85g) unsweetened cocoa
    1 cup (120g) nonfat dry milk powder
    1 1/2 cups (135g) malted milk powder
    2 teaspoons cornstarch
    1 teaspoon saltShell and bomb ingredients (for 6 cocoa bombs)
    2 cups (12 oz. or 1 bag) semi-sweet chocolate chips
    Instant peanut butter cup hot cocoa mix (from recipe above)
    1/2 cup (3 oz.) peanut butter chips
    6 mini-Reese’s peanut butter cups, unwrappedPeanut butter drizzle
    1/4 cup Reese’s peanut butter chips
    1 teaspoon olive oil (or vegetable oil)Make the instant hot cocoa mix
    Place peanut butter chips in a food processor and pulse until chips are finely chopped. Sift the sugar, cocoa, milk powders, cornstarch and salt ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Whisk together until thoroughly combined. Add this mixture to the food processor with the chopped chips and pulse until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined, and peanut butter chip fragments are coated.
    Transfer to a large air-tight container or hermetic jar to store. Stored air-tight at room temperature, this mix will keep for 6 months.Mold the hot cocoa bombs
    Melt the semi-sweet chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl in 30 second intervals, stirring together with a silicone spatula until all chips are thoroughly melted. Dollop out a large tablespoon portion of melted chocolate into the cavities of a silicone sphere candy mold. Spread the chocolate evenly in a layer around the inside of each cavity, all the way to the top, with a pastry brush. When cavities are all filled, place the mold on a small baking sheet to keep them rigid, and place in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.To unmold, remove a mold from freezer and carefully pop out six sphere halves immediately before filling. In a nonstick skillet on medium-low heat, place half sphere flat side down on skillet surface for about 1 second, and remove immediately to clean up edges.Lay each sphere half open side-up on a tray or baking sheet. Scoop 3 tablespoons of cocoa filling into three of the halves. Add 1 tablespoon of peanut butter chips and 1 mini peanut butter cup to each of the three filled halves.Remove the other six sphere halves from the freezer. With the filled half-spheres close by, place each newly unmolded half sphere on a heated nonstick skillet (as before) to melt edge; immediately top a filled sphere to close and complete the bomb. Run your finger around the edges of the sphere where the two halves meet to remove any excess melted chocolate, and to neaten the join. Repeat with remaining half spheres. Let stand until set, about 10 minutes.For the drizzle
    Place the hot cocoa bombs on a baking sheet. Combine the peanut butter chips and oil in a small microwave-safe bowl. Heat in 30 second intervals until the mixture can be stirred smooth. It should be a little runny and pourable. Transfer the mixture to a zip-top bag with a tiny hole in the corner snipped. Drizzle over hot cocoa bombs. Let stand until set, about 15 minutes.Mixing instructions
    Place a hot cocoa bomb in a large mug. Pour about 11 oz. of hot water or hot milk over the bomb in the mug and stir well to dissolve.

    link Peanut Butter Cup Hot Cocoa Bombs By Heather Baird Published: Friday, February 12, 2021Friday, February 12, 2021Peanut Butter Cup Hot Cocoa Bombs Recipe LEGGI TUTTO