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    Gruyère, Onion & Pepper Biscuits

    The secret to the flakiest, fluffiest buttermilk biscuits is cold ingredients and a quick layering process. Once formed, our shaggy dough is swiftly quartered and stacked, creating unmistakable layers that lead to tall and flaky biscuits. In this savory recipe, nutty cheese, dried minced , and spicy black take biscuits to all-new heights. 4 cups […] LEGGI TUTTO

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    Blueberries and Cream Muffins

    Blueberries and Cream Muffins are a delicious and easy muffin recipe! Soft blueberry muffins topped with a crunchy crumb topping, and filled with a sweet cream cheese filling!
    Make sure to try my classic Blueberry Muffin Recipe too! They’re amazing!

    Blueberries and Cream Muffins Are A Decadent Blueberry Muffin Recipe!
    We love blueberry muffins! I mean doesn’t everyone? I have tons of blueberry recipes here on my site as well. They’re just an easy fruit to bake with.
    But today’s Blueberries and Cream Muffins are for anyone who loves the classic, but wants to mix it up! These are a soft, sweet muffin, filled with a rich cream filling, topped with crunchy crumb topping! What’s not to love?

    What’s the Filling In These Blueberries and Cream Muffins?
    The “cream’ part of these Blueberry Muffins is a sweet cream cheese filling a lot like cheesecake! It is rich, and smooth, and pairs PERFECTLY with the blueberries. Plus, it’s a simple filling to incorporate in this recipe, as well as most muffin or cupcake recipes!

    This recipe has a few elements: the crumb topping, the muffin, and the filling. The exact measurements and steps are in the full recipe card at the bottom, but here is a quick list to make sure you have everything you need in your kitchen:
    granulated sugarlight brown sugar kosher saltmelted butterall-purpose flourcream cheesevegetable oileggsvanilla extractbaking sodasour creamfresh blueberries

    Don’t Forget the Crumb Topping!
    Ok, sure you CAN make these without the crumb topping (aka streusel), but who doesn’t love a crunchy, sweet crumb? The textures of this muffin is so great because you have the softness of the cake, the creaminess of the filling, and the crunchy topping. It’s pretty perfect!
    How To Store Blueberry Muffins:
    If you are eating these right away don’t worry abut storing them! But if you want to save some for the next day, I recommend refrigerating them due to the cream cheese in the center!
    How To Freeze:
    These Blueberries and Cream Muffins also freeze beautifully. Just freeze them airtight for up to 30 days (for best freshness) and allow them to thaw in the refrigerator or at room temperature. You can also reheat them if you would like in the microwave for just a few seconds!

    Love Blueberries? Here Are More Recipes You Might Love:


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    Blueberries and Cream Muffins

    Blueberries and Cream Muffins are a delicious and easy muffin recipe! Soft blueberry muffins topped with a crunchy crumb topping, and filled with a sweet cream cheese filling!


    Crumb Topping:

    1/3 cup granulated sugar
    1/3 cup light brown sugar 
    1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
    1/2 cup butter, melted
    1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

    Cream Cheese Filling:

    4 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
    1/4 cup granulated sugar


    1/2 cup vegetable oil
    1 cup granulated sugar
    2 eggs
    1 teaspoons vanilla extract
    1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
    1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    2 cups all purpose flour
    1 cup sour cream
    1 cup fresh blueberries (or frozen and thawed)


    Crumb Topping: In a large bowl combine the granulated sugar, brown sugar, salt, and melted butter. Add in the flour and stir to combine. Mixture should form large crumbs. You can use your hands to mix this as well. Set aside.
    Cream Cheese Filling: In a medium bowl stir together the cream cheese and granulated sugar until combined. Set aside.
    Muffins: Preheat oven to 350°F. Line muffin tin with liners or coat with nonstick spray. Set aside.
    In the bowl of your stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment mix together the oil, sugar, eggs, and vanilla on medium speed until smooth. Add in the salt and baking soda and mix until incorporated.
    Turn the mixer to low and in alternating portions add in the flour and sour cream, beginning and ending with the flour until incorporated but not over-mixed. Stir in the blueberries.
    Assembly: Fill each liner with 2- tablespoons of muffin batter. Top with 2 teaspoons of cream cheese filling. Top with another 2 tablespoons muffin batter. Sprinkle the crumb topping evenly on top of the muffins.
    Bake for 25 – 30 minutes, or until lightly golden and set.
    Allow the muffins to cool in the tin for 5 minutes and then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. 


    Store airtight in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

    Keywords:: cookies and cups, breakfast, muffins, blueberry muffins, blueberries and cream

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    Easy No-Bake Mimosa Pies in Glasses

    Serve up some brunch time fun with these Easy No-Bake Mimosa Pies in pretty glasses. A cup of chilled champagne is stirred right into the zesty orange pie filling.

    I’ve had brunch on my mind with Mother’s Day coming up. My regular menu needs a refresh, so I created a brand new recipe based on an old nostalgic favorite. First, can we all agree that the unofficial cocktail of brunch would have to be the mimosa? I think so.

    This recipe gives me all the Betty Draper vibes. It’s based on a mid-century recipe called Creamy Jell-O Pie. If you’ve ever made it, then you know it’s practically mousse in a pie crust. In fact, you could probably omit the crust in this recipe and just serve it as mousse. But since I love a graham crust, I patted some buttered crumbs into the bottom of each pretty dessert glass.
    The filling starts with a 3 oz. box of orange Jell-O. You probably already know the first step of making Jell-O is dissolving it in hot water. The second step is adding cold water, but instead, we’re adding chilled sparkling wine or champagne. Mix it up well and fold it together with freshly whipped cream.

    Pour the filling over the crust, chill, and garnish. It’s so easy! And there’s no mistaking its inspiration with all that champagne flavor sparkling through.

    Talk about fluffy! For the best, and tastiest results get Jell-O brand gelatin with no artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup. It’s easy to find because it says this right on the box in a big green bubble. I don’t often use convenience foods in my baking, but I honestly appreciate Jell-O’s versatility. There’s a reason it’s been around for so long!
    Served in footed glasses, these easy no-bake mimosa pies look beautiful presented together on a serving tray. If you’d rather enjoy this as pie you can slice, the filling can be poured into a 9-inch graham cracker pie crust.

    Easy No-Bake Mimosa Pies in Glasses

    Heather Baird

    Serve up some brunch time fun with these Easy No-Bake Mimosa Pies in pretty glasses. A cup of chilled champagne is stirred right into the zesty orange pie filling.
    See my variations for an alcohol-free version and an Orange Creamsicle version in the recipe notes.

    .wprm-recipe-rating .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-full svg * { fill: #5A822B; }No ratings yet

    Prep Time 25 minsTotal Time 25 mins

    Course DessertCuisine American

    Servings 6

    Ingredients US CustomaryMetric Pie crust3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs2 tablespoons unsalted butter meltedMimosa filling1 small box orange Jell-O 3 oz.2/3 cup boiling water1 cup chilled champagne or sparkling white wine1 cup heavy whipping cream3 tablespoons granulated sugarGarnishes1/2 cup heavy cream2 tablespoons granulated sugar6 fresh orange wedgesZest of one orange6 mint sprigs
    Instructions Pie crustStir together graham cracker crumbs and melted butter in a medium bowl. Mash together with a rubber spatula until the crumbs are completely coated and resemble wet sand.In the bottom of six footed dessert glasses or cups (about 8 oz. each), divide the crumbs between the glasses (this will be slightly more than 2 tablespoons of buttered crumb per glass). Tamp down gently with a spoon or the bottom of a shot glass. Refrigerate while you work on the pie filling.Mimosa fillingCombine the orange Jell-O and boiling water in a large bowl. Whisk together until the Jell-O is dissolved. Add in the chilled champagne/wine and whisk again until combined and slightly thickened.Place 1 cup heavy cream in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whip attachment. Beat until soft peaks form. Add dissolved Jell-O mixture to the whipped cream and fold together until creamy and consistent with no white streaks remaining. Divide the mixture between dessert cups, filling them within 1-inch of the top of the glasses. Refrigerate until firm, about 3-4 hours.GarnishesBeat the heavy cream in the bowl of an electric mixer while gradually adding the granulated sugar. Beat until stiff peaks form. Dollop or pipe whipped cream on top of the set pie filling. Sprinkle orange zest over cups. Stand an orange wedge upright into the whipped cream and place mint sprigs beside the orange slices.Refrigerate until ready to serve.
    NotesFor an alcohol-free version of this dessert, use white sparkling grape juice in place of the champagne.
    Creamsicle version: Replace the champagne with an equal amount of cream soda. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract to the pie filling. Garnish with whipped cream.
    The crust, filling and whipped cream topping can be made and assembled 2 days in advance. Garnish with the zest, mint, and fresh orange slices just before serving.

    Keyword heavy cream, orange Jell-O, pink champange pastry cream

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    Toile Print Lemon-Lavender Shortbread

    Serve these lemon-lavender shortbread cookies as an elegant tea time treat. Toile print wafer decors turn them into edible works of art.

    Guess who appreciates a pretty toile print on just about anything? My mom. I’ve been thinking about what to make in honor of Mother’s Day, and when I came across toile-printed wafer paper -well. It was a done deal. Toile print fabric harks back to 1760’s-1800’s and often depicts people in French pastoral settings. I thought this one was especially nice for Mother’s Day because it shows women tending their children, having tea, and even washing up some laundry. Ah, some things never change!

    There was no doubt about it – this shortbread had to taste as beautiful as its decoration looks. I added the zest of a whole lemon and fragrant culinary lavender to my favorite shortbread recipe. Shortbread is so simple with few ingredients, so the dough mixes up really quickly. The lemon and lavender flavors are absolutely beautiful together. I just love a floral note for spring.

    If you’ve never used wafer paper, then now’s the time! It’s tasteless and melds with buttercream, royal icing, fondant, or modeling chocolate. The toile wafer paper is printed with large and small vignettes. Larger cookies, made with a 3″ cutter as I’ve used here, will accommodate a large vignette – like those ladies lunching above. Use smaller cutters for smaller images.
    The colors of the paper really pop on a white background. So I recommend using white sculpting chocolate as a base because it rolls out smoothly like fondant and tastes great! White chocolate Fondarific is the stuff to get. Stamp it out with the same cookie cutter you used for the shortbread. If you’re not into storing a tub of modeling chocolate, then you could also use royal icing. Check out this blog post for using royal icing and wafer paper together.

    Frame your (cookie) art.
    Piping gel is ideal for attaching the image to the cookie. I often recommend corn syrup as an alternative, but it doesn’t have the starches that gives piping gel its stickiness. Stick to piping gel (ha!). Fondx is my fave.
    I lined the edges of the cookies with sugar pearls, and because I didn’t want to add them one by one using tweezers – I cheated. If you brush the edges with piping gel and dip them in the pearls, a bunch randomly stick to the edges. Use a toothpick to line them up and scoot off the extras.

    I don’t think I’ve ever made shortbread ‘sandwiches’ until now! In order to balance the barely sweet shortbread I made some lemon cream to fill them. This makes each sandwich is a formidable dessert. Just one packaged up in a cellophane bag and tied with ribbon would make a beautiful gift!

    Pretty and tasty – so perfect for mom, or any time you need a special treat. I think these would make pretty wedding favors. You could use any printed wafer paper appropriate for your party. It’s like wallpaper for desserts!

    These cookies are delish, whether or not you decide to decorate them with toile print. The recipe is simple and the classic flavors of lemon and lavender together in shortbread just can’t be beat for a spring treat.
    I’m leaving the link for the toile paper again, right here. You may want to explore some other designs, too!

    Toile Print Lemon-Lavender Shortbread Cookies

    Heather Baird

    Serve these lemon-lavender shortbread cookies as an elegant tea time treat. Toile print wafer decors turn them into edible works of art. This recipe makes about twelve 3-inch cookies, or 6 cookie sandwiches. If using large and small cookie cutters, the yield may be higher.

    .wprm-recipe-rating .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-full svg * { fill: #5A822B; }No ratings yet

    Prep Time 1 hrCook Time 20 minsTotal Time 1 hr 20 mins

    Course DessertCuisine American

    Servings 6

    Equipmentsoft art brushToothpicksfood color marker
    Ingredients US CustomaryMetric Lemon-lavender shortbread1 cup unsalted butter at room temperature1 tablespoon lemon zest1 1/2 tablespoons dried culinary lavender1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar2 cups all-purpose flour1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea saltLemon filling1/2 cup unsalted butter3 cups confectioners’ sugar1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice1 teaspoon lemon extractMilk or cream to thinWafer paper décor12 oz. white sculpting chocolate kneadedPiping gel1 sheet toile print wafer paperFood color marker1 cup sugar pearls
    Instructions ShortbreadPreheat the oven to 325F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat together the butter, lemon zest, lavender, and confectioners’ sugar. Mix until creamy. Add in the flour and salt. Mixture will be crumbly at first, keep mixing until a thick non-sticky dough is achieved.Roll the dough between two pieces of parchment paper to 1/4-inch thickness. Transfer to the refrigerator. Stamp shapes out of the chilled dough using a 3 inch square cookie cutter and place on the baking sheets. Bake for 15- 20 minutes, or until the edges start to brown. Remove to a wire rack to cool completely.Lemon fillingCombine the butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whip. Beat on low speed then increase is ingredients are incorporated. Mixture will be crumbly at first. Add lemon juice and extract. Add milk or cream 1 tablespoon at a time until mixture comes to spreading consistency. Cover bowl with a damp towel until ready for use.Wafer paper decorsOn a confectioners’ sugar-dusted work surface, roll out the sculpting chocolate. Stamp shapes from the piece using the same cookie cutter used for the shortbread. Using a small art brush, dab a few dots of piping gel on the backs of the pieces and attach to the shortbread cookies.Lay the wafer paper on a clean, dry surface. Use the same cookie cutter to trace shapes from the piece of toile paper, centering the cutter on a vignette. Cut out 6 pieces. Trim the edges further if needed to perfectly fit onto the sculpting chocolate squares. Turn the wafer paper over and coat it with piping gel. Affix to the white chocolate square. Immediately turn the cookie over so the wafer paper is flat against the work surface. Repeat with remaining cookies. Let stand until set, about 1 hour.Turn cookies over and brush a thin line of piping gel around the top edges of the cookies (on the wafer paper square). Dip edges in sugar pearls immediately after brushing (work with 1 at a time). Use a toothpick to line up the pearls single-file, around the top edge of the cookies. Push extras off of the sides using the toothpick. Let stand until set.AssemblyPipe or spread lemon cream onto the plain shortbread cookies and top with a decorated cookie. Do not refrigerate. Store cookies at room temperature, loosely covered with plastic wrap or packaged in cellophane bags.
    NotesIf you make different sizes of cookies as I did, you may have slightly higher yield. Bake all large cookies on one pan, bake the smaller ones on another to promote even baking. Bake smaller cookies for less time, 12 minutes approximate.
    Water is the enemy of wafer paper. Make sure all surfaces and hands are try before touching. 
    If piping gel seems thick, put a little in a cup and microwave for 5 seconds to loosen. This helps the brush to glide across the backs of the wafer paper for even coating.
    Do not refrigerate the decorated cookies. 

    Keyword culinary lavender, printed wafer paper, shortbread

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